martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Senderos entre Competa y Canillas de Albaida. Acequia Real

 Corta ruta la de hoy,
 saliendo por el GR, que estan balizando también como sendero de la acequia
 un poco más adelante, me desvio, una vez pasado el arroyo de las jurisdicciones
 y asciendo por un desdibujado sendero
 que termina perdiendose
 aunque me permite llegar a la pista
 que baja hacia Canillas de Albaida
 donde una vez que llego,
 tomo la acequia Real
 hasta enlazar  con la carretera, por donde vuelvo al pueblo
 tomando el sendero de la acequia,
 aun no balizado completamente

1 comentario:

  1. I have today walked part of the route ,,,some has been totally repaired, some has had plastic pipes placed into the Roman trench and covered... Its obvious that in places the Original Roman canal has collapsed down the hillside.... But in other places its also obvious that the Aquaduct has been smashed up to create the hard core the cover the plastic pipes... There are millions of pieces of Marble and granite along the track. The 2000 year old Roman ingenuity that let this canal flow down this minute gradient has been lost ...probably due to lack of money to repair all of it ( as of course the Spanish have to invest their Euros into fireworks and Fiestas )
